


RbbN takes the light and stretches it out. With the dynamics of a long exposure light painting, this one never fades. Almost as bright during the day as it is illuminated at night. 

The QWRKhouse collection of objects are created purely with digital software tools as the medium and fused filament fabrication printing as the physical outlet for the creative process. They embrace the aesthetic of the digital design process by incorporating and utilizing the inherent characteristics of 3D printing as expressions of their designs

designed by: Krista Humphrey

Material: Bioplastic PLA

Colour: Pink. Yellow Flouro

Dimensions: 460 × 300 × 330mm

Or option: 340 × 200 × 220mm

Light Type: Dimmable USB powered LED

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RbbN takes the light and stretches it out.

With the dynamics of a long exposure light painting, this one never fades.

Almost as bright during the day as it is illuminated at night.

designed by: Krista Humphrey

Material: Bioplastic PLA

Colour: Pink. Yellow Flouro

Dimensions: 460 × 300 × 330mm

Or option: 340 × 200 × 220mm

Light Type: Dimmable USB powered LED

Contact for more information